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- 97-2005 Park Ave Stock Radios
- UIM/ LIM job Done
- no power to the fuel pump
- Won't Start and Security Light
- 94 PA Check Engine Lights - Still
- 97-2005 PA Temperature Controllers
- 95 PA battery drain
- UIM replacement Question?
- fuel gauge
- Front Brake Job - Replace Rotors?
- Troubleshooting rough idle 95 PAU
- Tire Size Options for 2002 Park Avenue?
- rear door speakers
- Caliper hanging
- 92 pa front brake sticking
- looking to buy a PA ultra
- 1991 Buick Park Avenue Ultra - No Heat, A/C, radio
- Car bogging(no power) upon take off????
- what is this sensor? 89 PA 3.8
- Vents Not Working 94 PA
- Looking for this grill everywhere cant find it?????
- Rust, Rust, Rust
- 1995 park avenue transmission (2)
- Wheels for a 91 Park Ave Ultra
- 3800 series 2 broken timing chain advice
- 92 PA Lurches on Acceleration
- 91 Ultra - can not get the car out of park
- 1994 Park Avenue Fuse Panel diagrams?
- 89 park ave, what rims fit?
- 89 park ave stumbles and dies
- Is these a common problem?
- Engine stumbles, tach dies, stalling
- 92 Park Ave cooler lines
- 94 PA Ultra, Idle Air Control Valve IAC, Screws
- Auto door lock
- Improving Gas Mileage
- '96 Park Avenue - Not starting... Mass Air Flow?
- 1993 Buick Park Avenue, squeaky right front
- Replacement parts 1998 Buick P.A.
- Grand Touring Suspension
- What should you do if...
- Voltage
- ABS Traction control Module (HELP)
- 98 PA transmission shifting
- shock absorber Question
- 96 Park avenue wheel speed sensor
- Park Ave. Missing on #3
- Low coolant warning ?
- Mileage computer, trip odometer reset
- 1994 park avenue ultra
- 98 Ultra Heater Issue
- Odd Starting Issues
- 98 park ave power steering removal
- Outside Temperature Reading
- 93 Park Avenue coolant sensor location.
- ABS & All Trac Dash Lights On PA
- Manifold gasket questions
- ball joint replacement questions
- Engine running cold
- Crankshaft Position Sensor?
- Tachometer problems
- Radio/CD removal
- 94 Park Ave intermittent rough idle
- [91 Park Ave] Intermittent Stalling Related to IAT?
- 87 pa died and wont start
- 99 park ave on 4th maf in last six months
- 93 Park Avenue white smoke
- Park Ave. Hubcaps?
- 94 PA red exhaust manifold, no OD, only 10-50 mph and more.
- Aftermarket CD player?
- Water Pump
- Which size Serpentine Belt?
- 98 PA Torque on Caliper Bolts?
- Tires for Park Avenue
- Quarter mile
- Car shakes at high speeds
- 2000 PA Power Steering Fluid Check
- Horn problems, 94 Ultra
- Park Avenue 2005 Remote
- 98 PA seems to be missing
- Losing power/ stuttering while shifting
- Change Radiator Cap?
- Park Avenue Climate Control
- 99 park avenue left turn signal not working??
- Low part-throttle power and awful mileage
- How to test the DynaRide
- 2001 Park Ave, driver window works every other day
- lights
- 95 PA rear window defogger problem?
- Park Ave. Brake Recommendations
- 99 PA driver side front window
- Locating Radiator Drain Plug?
- 96 Park Avenue power antenna
- no cruise
- 92 PA start up problems
- Noisy Serpentine belt
- sunroof leaking
- Oil Change Interval?
- Tackometer failure
- Car won't start and white smoke...
- Replacing front struts on ELC suspension
- 96 Park Avenue Front Bumper
- Ignition Coil
- Help just in stalled shocks and electronic leveling compressor wont turn on
- ABS Codes
- weird noise while driving through heavy rain
- Problem with Security lamp
- Car Won't Start
- Vatts by-pass
- warning lights test
- PCV Valve Spring?
- outside temperature
- 91 PA Lightpanel...
- 94 park ave rattling noise
- Voltage Drop
- Is the Park Avenue a 6 seater?
- 1991 Park Avenue Radio Replacement...
- AC warning reading.
- How to determine RPM's on my park ave.
- 99 rear shocks????any help would be greatly appreciated
- 1992 Speedometer cluster
- maintenance schedule
- Failed emission test, need help
- 97 buick park avenue
- 95 buick pa security light
- 97 Driver's Side Window
- Flashing LED
- Drop Pan or Flush?
- new tires for 1991 PA base
- 96 Park avenue tire placard
- Park Ave 99 - P0741 (Transmission Problem)
- 98 PAU driver's seat issue
- New 2 me car w/ small issues
- ceiling clothing becomes loose
- 2001 PK Ave radio & temp control
- 97 Park Avenue "ground bus"
- Tips for changing crank sensor
- 95 PA trunk pulldown fuse?
- Trans Module Problems????
- 3 Q's; Brake system, Keyless entry, Stereo Compatibility
- 98 buick park avenue supercharger
- 99 park ave studers cold
- what is this valve for?
- A/C and idle questions
- 95 Park Avenue Coolant Leak
- 1994 Ultra - DRL - Lamp Control Module
- 92 pa wont move
- 94 Park Avenue missing
- Supercharger issue
- Changing power steering fluid
- 2003 Ultra -- need to change bulbs in the trunk door
- 2003 Park Avenue Ultra - air ride system
- change oil soon light/computer
- ash tray light
- what is the 'economy' mode exactly?
- Oil in manifold?
- Transmission/Engine Stall & Slip when Shifting into Drive
- My Car Studders
- Climate 91 PA
- '96 Window Lift Motor - Driver Rear
- 96 park ave
- 99 Speedometer / Instrument Cluster
- ABS Brake Scan OBD 2 Tool
- 96 Park Avenue Coolant Leak
- 93 Park Ave Ultra A/C Issue
- 96 PA Check Engine Light is Blinking
- 3800 Missing under load - problem solved
- Want your Opinions!
- 2003 Buick Park Avenue Ultra Transmission
- ATF Fluid?
- 94 Buick PA - Braking & Electrical
- program keyless Remote Buick Park Ave ultra 1998
- Replace Mirror From 94 to 96
- Autolocks
- 94 Park Avenue
- Center Brake Light Access
- torque specs when replacing 4t65e accumulator
- door locks / power windows / power mirros NOT working!
- PA grinding noise (bad compressor?)
- GM Oil Life Moniter
- 94 PA towing 67 Ponti Bonneville
- 99 PA Inner Tie Rod
- Auto seats not working
- A/C panel lighting
- Washer Fluid Bucket
- 97 AC Compressor
- 1987 Park Ave. Compressor Clutch
- Memory seating is all jacked up
- changing a thermostat.
- transaxle removal
- 1992 pa vibration
- Struts for 99 Ultra
- Thinking about repainting her
- 91 Park Ave motor jerks on take off??
- Cruise Control problem '97 PA
- 97 PA heater hose tensioner fittings
- alternator going bad?
- G.M. Wonders Whether You’d Really Rather Have a Buick
- 2003 Buick Park Av. Ultra up-shifts hard
- 99 Park Ave parking brake stuck on
- 91 park avenue help plz!
- 91 park ave. 3800 , please help
- Procedure to bring this car to life-intake manifold gasket?
- Park avenue rear door panel
- A/C blowing in defrost mode!
- 91 park ave. 3800 , please help
- code 107 what does it mean?
- Buick Park Avenue Ultra EGR System
- Is the Ultra Supercharger a Problem Area?
- 1988 Park Avenue sometimes start, but rough
- 98 PA - replacing multifunction switch?
- 92 buick parkavenue misfire when taking off
- Old plug in card security sys.
- Buick 92 Climate flashes speedometer dies low power on accelration ok after ten minut
- 3.8 Intake Removal problem
- 96 Park Avenue abs & traction control
- '96 Park Avenue - Vacuum Actuator
- '96 Park Avenue Passenger Seat Recline switch
- 1996 PA - "Base -vs- Ultra"
- Buick Ultra check engine warning light
- 1989 Park Avenue Transaxle Problems?
- magnasteer
- wheel vibration/shimmy
- HELP!! 99 PA Water Pump Removal
- 98pa a/c
- Water pump remove
- ACC error code 38 - data line failre PCM
- 92 PA metal clanking noise
- 91 Park Ave just dies out
- 02 Park Avenue Oil pan gasket
- Battery Drain through Maxi Fuse
- 97 PA driver's side power window
- 98 PA compressor does not turn
- Tire replacement
- stabilitrak issue
- 1999 park avenue power seat problem
- 2000 PA ULTRA fuse box location inside car
- Questions about my 2000 PA ULTRA
- Buick 3.8 ltr. Supercharged recall
- 94 PA Stalls When Slowing Down
- 96 PA Not Running 124,000
- Dex Cool in 2002 Park Avenue
- 2003 Buick Ultra EGR
- 91 Park Ave. A/C troubles...
- 95 park ave struts
- 97 PA Ultra - No Fuel Delivery
- '92 PA oil pressure problem
- 94 PA, ABS light comes on at same time each day
- 2003 buick pa ultra
- 2001 PA: Repair or Run?
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