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Vents Not Working 94 PA

01-29-2010, 01:21 PM

I recently purchase a 1994 Park Avenue Ultra and I can't get hot air to blow out my air conditioning vents at all, even in econo. My mechanic said it really doesn't come out of the vents that way. Also, my car fogs up and I can't seem to defog it. PLEASE HELP !! :runaround:

01-29-2010, 05:54 PM
Does it blow cold air out of the vents? You can't just select the vents, the climate control does that for you.
Your car fogging up means there is moisture in the car somewhere, so there is a leak. Check if the carpet is moist, under the front and the rear seats as well.
The only real solution to this is to locate the leak, fix it AND dry out the car.

01-29-2010, 06:18 PM
If you can't feel air, your cabin filter might be plugged.

01-29-2010, 06:23 PM

I recently purchase a 1994 Park Avenue Ultra and I can't get hot air to blow out my air conditioning vents at all, even in econo. My mechanic said it really doesn't come out of the vents that way. Also, my car fogs up and I can't seem to defog it. PLEASE HELP !! :runaround:

First make sure your cooling system is actually full. If the windows are fogging and/or wet on the passenger side, it could mean a bad heater core.

01-29-2010, 08:56 PM
If you can't feel air, your cabin filter might be plugged.Are you sure? I have never seen a "cabin filter" on an 94 :shakehead

I recently purchase a 1994 Park Avenue Ultra and I can't get hot air to blow out my air conditioning vents at all, even in econo. My mechanic said it really doesn't come out of the vents that way. Also, my car fogs up and I can't seem to defog it. PLEASE HELP !!Your mechanic was right, they did not have the optional air flow control until 95. Does your defroster work? The fog could be residual humidity in the system and you need to turn the heat up some to burn it off. In addition, and as previously mentioned, you may have wet carpet, or a leaking heater core, but usually the trunk leaks. Remove all the trunk covering down to the spare tire well & check for moisture in the sound insulator pad.

01-30-2010, 09:00 AM
I notice you're in Iowa. I'm in W. Ohio. With snow and water getting carried into the car on those days when I frequently get in and out of the car, the mats get moisture in them. Then when I start the car which is inside the warmed garage attached to our home and start driving, when the heater begins to warm up the moisture from the floor mats starts getting picked up by the warmer air. This higher humidity air hits the windows which are cooling off since it's 20 degrees outside, and I start getting fogging.

If your mats seem to have moisture, try taking them out and putting them where they cay dry out. Or I leave the car in the garage with the windows down and sometimes I'll put the car out in the driveway and leave the windows down an inch or two and the dry, cold wind will pick up moisture from inside the car's carpets.

If you have a leaking heater core, you'll get a whiff of the scent of coolant. Big clue there.

Also, is your car in recirculate mode? IF I leave any of my Buicks in recirculate in cooler weather, the windows start to fog up after 5-10 minutes of driving due to humidity from the floor or our breath. It is impossible to defog the side windows in that mode for me. The windshield/floor setting and higher heat will clear part of the windshield but the cooler corners continue to fog.

And moisture in the trunk will permeate the interior of the car with moisture. That will fog up windows just like damp floor mats will do.

01-30-2010, 10:25 AM
What is a good setting to use with this type of system (like defog, heat ect) ?

01-30-2010, 12:11 PM
Defog seems to be the best. This mode distributes air more or less evenly, while 'heater' just means the floor gets warmed.

The earlier types do not have a recirculate mode, but still it is difficult to clean the corners of the windshield with the windshield mode. The grid on top of the dash aren't all vent outlets, the ones in the corners are fake...

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