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10-31-2009, 11:16 AM
Are the cornering lights supposed to come on with the turn signal when the lights are off?

Also how is the twilight sentinel supposed to work exactly? I have it on max, and I notice that when it is warm and you turn the ignition off,
the lights go out immediately, but when it's cold outside, it takes a long time (like 5 minutes). Any ideas?

11-01-2009, 09:50 AM
Just a comment. I had the same problem with my twilight sentinel on my PA but mind would stay on way to long. Maybe twice as long as it should. I then found a used one on ebay for around $10.00 or so and I bought that twilight sentinel. Since then twilight sentinel has worked correct. It was easy to replace as the unit just pops out with a little help. Just unplug and replace with different unit.

11-01-2009, 09:56 AM
I was just now looking at my old Twilight Sentinel Switch and I was wondering if maybe you could just spray some electrical contact spray into the slider adjustment slot. This might clean up the contacts on the switch. Might be worth a try. Tuner cleaner would work or maybe even WD40.

11-01-2009, 07:30 PM
Wikipedia says they should stay on about 3 minutes on 'max'. It seems to be just a timer, I would think that contact cleaner wouldn't do much?
How do you get it out?

11-02-2009, 01:22 AM
The brown molding that surrounds the switch should pry off with out much of a problem. Use a small blade from maybe a screw driver and gently pry up on the molding and it should pop out. I think the switch was held in by two screws.

I would still spray the adjustable (slider) part of the switch with a short shot of some type electric contact cleaner. Had I been thinking I would of sprayed my twilight sentinel switch before I replaced it with a used one. Over the years I have sprayed different types of switches that either weren't working correctly or not working at all and the contact cleaner has brought new life back into the switches. This works for radio switches, switches on house hold appliances, etc. This does not always work but worth a try.

Good luck.

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