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Park Ave 99 - P0741 (Transmission Problem)

09-04-2009, 07:24 PM
I´m new to this Forum so HI EVERYBODY.

On my trip from Winnipeg to Vancouver just before Calgary (4 Persons and a really full Trunk) the ´Service Engine soon´ light came off.

The car started to shift gears harsh.
During accelration I hear a whining sound.
Seems like the car lost some horsepower.

Stopped at Walmart and bought an OBD2-Scanner.

Got this Error Code:
Torque Converter
Clutch Solenoid
Circuit Performance or
Stuck Off

Drove all the way to Vancouver and back.
Error comes back every time I delete it.

Back at home I changed Trans Fluid and Filter.
Fluid was a little bit dirty (brownish).

The first day everything was fine. Thought I fixed it.
But then if I start the car the first time (everything cold) and shift to Reverse it shifts very hard with a *bang*. Every time I shift to Reverse till it warms up. All other gears are fine. The whining sound is still there and the ´Service Engine soon´ light is on.

Anybody an idea.

Thanks in advance

09-04-2009, 08:36 PM
Welcome to AF, usually this is caused by the pwc solenoid, harsh shifts and engagement, a full scan by a pro with a trans function scanner is in order to really pinpoint the issue. The tcc solenoid would cause the lock up convertor not to function or stay on and cause low speed shuddering and stalls.

09-05-2009, 12:47 AM
look for vaccum leak,,,early version had a modulator,,,controls line pressure,,,if disconnected,,,will give harsh engagements,,,pressure regulator will make a buzzing sound....sets off codes also.........

09-05-2009, 07:31 AM
Thanks so far guys.

I´m gonna check it out somewhen this morning.
Will report if I find something.

Where do I find that Vacuum modulator if my Buick would have one??

09-06-2009, 12:29 AM
Where do I find that Vacuum modulator if my Buick would have one??

Check the SPID label located in the trunk area. Look for GM RPO codes MN3, M15 or MN7 which will be the 4T65E autotransaxle that does not have a vacuum modulator since it is a a full electronic PCS system. The MN7 is applicable to the PA Ultra only. The RPO code for the older vacuum modulated 4T60E autotransaxle is M13.

09-06-2009, 08:22 AM
you dont need the tranny codes to ID a 4t60 from the 65. on the driveres side of the engine there is a little can with a vacume line that runs straight up to the throtle from the transmission close to the engine block. the factory cans are the size of a beer can cut in 1/2 and iether metalic or gray. the replacments are about the size of small spice bottle. and usualy have a different color stripe on themred blue or black.

The numbers IDing the tranny beyond the 60 from the 65 just Ids the primary chain ratio, and the geer ratios.

09-06-2009, 09:12 AM
The numbers IDing the tranny beyond the 60 from the 65 just Ids the primary chain ratio, and the geer ratios.

There is more to it than that so I disagree. There are many differences between the 4T60E and 4T65E, 4T65E-HD autotransaxles therefore your assumption on the numbers IDing just the primary chain ratio and the gear ratios between the two transaxles is inaccurate.

Regardless, the best visual method is to check the GM RPO codes on the SPID label or through the VIN number that way you will be sure. You don't even have to pop the hood. :grinno:

09-08-2009, 03:47 PM
A 99 Park Ave is a 4T65E... All L67's and L36's in the LeSabre and Park Ave(1997+ for the L67) 1998 On used the 4T65E..

I do agree that there is most likely an issue with the EPC Solenoid... But this needs to be looked at a little closer to make sure thats what the issue is..

Small note..

If this was a 60 a harsh shift would be caused by a vac leak.. But on this car this absolutely will not be the case as the Line pressure is controlled by the PCM Via the EPC Solenoid

09-08-2009, 04:58 PM

thanks so far.

So the best way would be to stop at a Transmission Shop or Buick Dealer and let them check out what exactly the Problem is, right.

After that I can buy the right parts and start taken my car appart to change, lets say one stupid solenoid which sits underneath the side-cover of the Transmission. Am I right.

Another question. Does anybody knows a software for ODB-Scanners.
I have three different ones all ODB2 compatible which I hook up to my Laptop. The software I have covers only german brands like Audi, BMW, VW and so on.

Thanks in advance

09-08-2009, 05:28 PM
I think this is exactly what I am looking for, isn´t it??


09-08-2009, 06:47 PM
Does anybody knows a software for ODB-Scanners.
I have three different ones all ODB2 compatible which I hook up to my Laptop. The software I have covers only german brands like Audi, BMW, VW and so on.Click Here (http://www.myscantool.com/store/)

You may also want to check out the threads from our Buick "Tips & Maintenance" section. Click Here (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=760735) & Click Here (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=899929)

09-15-2009, 07:19 PM
There was a method to check the Transmission during driving if im right.
Do somebody know how exactly and what schould happen.

I found somthing about driving at the speed where overdrive locks and then press just a bit on the brake and the rpm should rise a couple hundred. I tried it and nothing happens. Rpm stays where it was.

10-03-2009, 02:54 PM

finally I found some spare time to replace the TCC Solenoid (5 hours).

The car is still not locking in Overdrive and the Service Engine soon comes back every time I erase the error codes.

Anybody an idea what else could be the Problem.

Thanks in advance

Do somebody know where I can get Service Bulletins for free. Im looking for this one.

Model : PARK AVENUE Year : 1999 Service Bulletin Number: 00704A Replacement Service Bulletin Number: NHTSA Campaign ID Number : 10004213 Date of Bulletin: 11/18/2003 Date Added to Database: 11/21/2003Component: 103000 POWER TRAIN:AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Summary: THE 4T65E AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION MAY EXHIBIT A CONDITION OF A HARSH GARAGE SHIFT INTO REVERSE OR DRIVE ON A COLD START. *TT

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