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98 buick park avenue supercharger

08-25-2009, 02:47 AM
Found supercharger was very low on oil. Filled up with s/c oil still has noise coming from inside do I need to replace supercharger?

08-25-2009, 06:38 AM
Is the front snout seal leaking? You may have problems inside the snout with the coupler or bearings. Usually, you only need to repair or replace the snout, not the entire S/C.

08-25-2009, 07:43 AM
You can replace that front bushing/bearing- the noise is usually fron the fins hitting the housing-- the bushing is on-line....

08-25-2009, 09:47 PM
You can replace that front bushing/bearing- the noise is usually fron the fins hitting the housing-- the bushing is on-line....:confused: Are you talking about the supercharger, or the alternator? I have never seen "fins" on a supercharger.:shakehead

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