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  1. headers are rattling? help me out?
  2. Boost Sensor???
  3. What would be a decent price for a 1999 Sr20de w/40,000 miles???
  4. CAI vs K&N filter
  5. cam durations
  6. Twin Cam??? DOHC???
  7. inexpensive exhaust?
  8. Iridium vs Platinum
  9. what exhaust for my P10?
  10. 99 header on a 2k G
  11. sr20det swap
  12. Everyone with greddy mx exhaust
  13. What year motor, for what year car?
  14. Engine Swaps...
  15. Good and Bad Days
  16. Advanced Timing
  17. Intake, Header, Exaust
  18. JWT POP Cold Air extension???
  19. CARB certified mods....
  20. Yes,another exhaust question...
  21. Intake Vent
  22. More power for real cheap.....
  23. Silicon hose kits?
  24. K&N filter or original?
  25. What do all these mean?
  26. Judd SR20DE??
  27. Plug wire popping off
  28. Are These Terrible Prices!?!?
  29. Part Numbers!!!
  30. JWT s4/s3 cams
  31. JWT Header?
  32. Greddy MX Exhaust
  33. Just ordered Stillen Intake, Any tips..?
  34. just installed K&N air filter
  35. Help me out ya!
  36. engine pics...
  37. Can someone confirm....
  38. Installing an AEM Bypass Valve on a HotShot CAI
  39. Who's got the better muffler?
  40. Can you supercharge a "G"
  41. bypass valve
  42. General Q about engines
  43. exhaust-tion
  44. HELP!!! Transmission noise
  45. Bolt on turbo kits
  46. JWT S3 Cams
  47. diferent rmp levels... help me please!
  48. Another P10 flywheel question
  49. question about automatics?
  50. P11 Engine Pics
  51. 10:1 CR is this possible and whats the benefits and is it worth it?
  52. Maunal Swap
  53. Advancing Timing: Questions
  54. JDM red DEt valve cover
  55. Battery size for installing the HotShot CAI?
  56. wickedG20 or erikbronx question for u?
  57. Radiator upgrade?
  58. 94' G20 Won't Start
  59. Newbie: What to look for?
  60. DET swap/tranny issues
  61. Do 1999 P11 and 98+ B15 SE-R have anything in common engine wise?
  62. Air flow sensor stuffing up!? :(
  63. Holy crap that's fast!!!!!
  64. i need an exhaust!
  65. clutches
  66. Stillen Products
  67. ECU question
  68. At what stage would Water Injection be appropriate??
  69. SR20DET parts swapping
  70. ABS Light..
  71. Where to go to buy a good engine stand?
  72. Various Turbo Kits for the SR20DE
  73. Major Differences and other peoples opinion...
  74. Stoopid Ques. But Where is a safe place to...
  75. which cam is better
  76. Bad, bad luck...
  77. Straight pipe???
  78. Prices on JWT cams and ecu?
  79. Anyone hook a turbo up to there G?
  80. i need hp bad
  81. turbo shaft rpm-p-10det???
  82. Lightended Pulleys
  83. Cold Air Intake Problem
  84. BOV Recirculated!! (Die Luke, Die!!)
  85. air sensor on stock air box??
  86. Where to get a short throw
  87. Temperature went to 0 at 70mph!!!!! wtf??????
  88. FSM
  89. Someone have to know!!
  90. trick intake manifold
  91. air filter change?? how long
  92. anybody swaped they slushbox auto for a 5-spd in a g20 yet??
  93. rod bearings
  94. tranny experts -- need some help fast!
  95. is 94 p10 OBD-I or II?? (I don't have owners manual)
  96. Anyone that has done a GTI-R motor have a few pointers?
  97. what's a recommended tranmission oil to use (94 auto)?
  98. any problems sucking water with CAI installed?
  99. Powdercoat or ....?
  100. timing chain replacement
  101. any got a opion on the 5Zigen Fireball exhaust?????
  102. quick question about headers plus exhaust
  103. Homemade A/F Meter
  104. Lightened Flywheel p10???
  105. o2 censor???
  106. Newbie wann hook up my g20
  107. Dimensions for Intercooler on a p11
  108. Switching sr20di with sr20de (t)
  109. Try This Out!!! Modify Your Stock Intake To A Cold Air Intake W/o The Pipe!
  110. Magnetic Oil Pan Drain Plug
  111. HS CAI Install????
  112. Emission light? On?
  113. LSD tranny?
  114. Gibson muffler
  115. 2K+ Headers
  116. K&N Part No?
  117. Cheap HP
  118. Nos For Sale!!! Cheap!!!
  119. Intake
  120. Anybody have an opinion of a good full exhaust system?
  121. I'm only getting 300 mi. on a full tank -- what gives?? (94 auto g20 106k)
  122. help with timing adjustment
  123. The s3 cams are for sale!
  124. Starter Motor died today
  125. air filter???
  126. Need Help wheres low end!??!
  127. installing pulleys
  128. cali guys - CARB
  129. Lambda sensor - where to buy (UK)?
  130. MY2000+ owner FYI!!
  131. Hotshot CAI group deal!!
  132. intake/header combo...
  133. Pics of my 1999 SR20DE Motor I bought
  134. forced induction ???
  135. What short shifter fits a p11???
  136. chips and beer
  137. Motor Mounts
  138. supercharger on its way?...
  139. fuel pump
  140. Unorthodox Racing pulleys
  141. This is what everyone should be looking at and doing...
  142. New Header/Exhaust Install Questions???
  143. unorthodox racing pulleys??
  144. HELP Breather filter
  145. oil pressure gauge question 2!
  146. Hotshot costs.
  147. Turbo Engine & Auto Tranny ?
  148. Has anyone used a Techtom on their P11?
  149. need input g20.net
  150. Intercooler Dimensions & Misc.
  151. Shifter bushing
  152. Denso spark plugs
  153. Engine, Tranny Mods
  154. Help ~PR CAI~help
  155. GTECH Performance Pro meters?
  156. pully belts
  157. Custom Exhaust
  158. Best Platinum plugs for SR20DE
  159. engine cuts off in left turns !!! (p10)
  160. rod bearings, turbo rebuild?
  161. Valve Cover
  162. HELP: Quiet Exhaust!
  163. Aftermarket Catback Owners - HELP ME!!!
  164. Greddy MX fitment problem
  165. apexi n1
  166. afc?
  167. i just go a 240sx ready for swap which is better i need advise plz
  168. JWT POP Charger... will it fit?
  169. Tranny swap.. Lets try this again part 2
  170. Tranny swap..
  171. oil pressure gauge question
  172. Intake noises???
  173. Leak down test results..
  174. Fuel Cut-off Problem
  175. Knock sensor
  176. Fuel Pump Lock Ring/How Do You Remove It?
  177. head swap is it possible?
  178. Weapon R
  179. tell me the different
  180. more HP?
  181. Where do I go?
  182. New Tranny for SR20DE+T?
  183. 93 G20 Spark plug gap?
  184. Intercooler Dimensions
  185. T25 Manifold Question
  186. CAI, Header + Exhaust install order
  187. does it's make different
  188. fuel filter
  189. Pulleys
  190. Turbo Question
  191. highport lowport head swap
  192. New timing marks
  193. MAF sensor
  194. Underdrive pullies
  195. JWT cams
  196. Upgrades
  197. Motor, Offers?????
  198. data loggers
  199. For All You Turbo People
  200. Blown motor..Swap or fix?
  201. High-Port CAI
  202. SR20DET Wiring harness
  203. Hot Air ?
  204. anyone take their cat out?
  205. anyone got apexi exhaust?
  206. i want to advance my timing
  207. Horsepower
  208. intake manifold swap
  209. Turbo
  210. Turbo G20
  211. Why not Supercharger instead of Turbo?
  212. Need Help.. pics please!!
  213. Timing Upgrade
  214. detonation
  215. Where can I get a stock SR20DE?
  216. WTF is my car doing!
  217. Closed Loop???? Open Loop????
  218. cam question?
  219. -98 DET engine
  220. CAI to short stack
  221. Dyno results
  222. Which DET is this and will it work?
  223. Sr20de + T
  224. Ever Tried Obx Bomber Series Exhaust?
  225. what else
  226. throttle body
  227. intake
  228. meow
  229. universal exhaust
  230. header question
  231. hi guys newbie here ... with not too newbie questions um i think
  232. Which Blow Off / Dump Valve??
  233. CAI for P10 or P11? ANYONE HAVE PICTURES?
  234. Which Exhaust?
  235. p11 Turbo
  236. What size of turbo should I choose? (for p10)
  237. My plugs were destroyed...
  238. Advice on buying a DET
  239. Ordering the Stillen HiFlow Intake
  240. Has anybody had to replace a fuel pump?
  241. G20 Spec V?
  242. motor mounts
  243. Turbo
  244. JWT Pop Charger Install Question #2
  245. JWT cam and ecu
  246. problem: weird smell in the motor
  247. Recirculating a Blitz DD BOV?
  248. 5zigen n1
  249. Help please...clacking noise from engine??
  250. [b]i Am The Best[/b]