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Old 06-23-2009, 06:34 PM   #1
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96 Engine issues

Okay, well right now I'm driving a 1996 Corsica with a 3.1L 3100 V6 (60degree.) Just last Friday, I was driving from NW Plymouth to Cottage Grove, which is about an hour drive. The Corsica is running smoothly, until I come up on a curve on Interstate 94 East where the engine loses power. This is in the middle of rush hour, let me mind you.

As I lose power, I step on the gas pedal only to have no effect. The engine hasn't died yet because I see no lights on the dash. As soon as the Corsica slows to a stop and stalls, the oil light comes on, then the battery light comes on. No other lights come on. I shift it into neutral and try to start. It starts but has a very rough time idling and stalls again.

I call 911 and they respond immediately and had a patrol car and a yellow service truck push my car off to the right-hand side.

As soon as I posed a much less threat to other drivers on the freeway, they went off on their merry way. I decided to start the car once again, it starts and I shift it into Drive. It runs, and I got it up to 55mph and drove it all the way to Cottage Grove. Speed limit was 65 on Highway 61, but I didn't want to push the engine.

Next day I got a full oil change at Midas which cost me $20.

I drove back home the following day as if nothing happened.

Now, yesterday, I was driving on Interstate 494 going South-bound towards my college for an informational meeting where my car stalls right after Highway 7. Same thing as before, except it didn't want to start so easily.

I let the engine rest for a little bit and I got it started, only for it to stall at least 10 more times on my way back home. Sometimes when it stalled, I started it again as if nothing happened, and other times, I pulled off into a parking lot, opened the hood and let it sit for 10 or 15 minutes before resuming the trek back home.

What do you guys think is wrong with my Corsica?
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Old 06-24-2009, 07:41 PM   #2
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Re: 96 Engine issues

Auto Zone and Advanced Auto will check the module free. Ask if they will check yours for you it sits under the coils.
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Old 06-25-2009, 12:08 AM   #3
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Re: 96 Engine issues

What module?
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Old 06-26-2009, 02:41 PM   #4
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Re: 96 Engine issues

He meant the igniton module. It sits under the coils and is flat. They can start to fail when hot and stall you out, then when cool they can start firing again for a time. Eventually will fail totally. You must remove the coils and pack together. 2-3 #10 bolts as I remember. However you could be facing EGR valve problems or even a clogged fuel pump. Only way to be sure, get the codes pulled at Advance or NAPA, where ever you can get the computer codes pulled(if any). If no codes then not an item monitored by the CPU. Igniton module, fuel pump for starters. If you do see trouble codes that may lead you to whatever is causing this, but if not, then get the fuel pressure checked. Needs 40 lbs to run properly. Get the ignition module checked(again for free at Advance or NAPA, Autozone etc).
I used to be indecisive, now I am not so sure.
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