Factory Mitsubishi CD shuttle on boot, factory Mitsubishi tape unit with corded CD shuttle remote in front of car. It was working sweet for a year, then certain CDs wouldn't load. Intermittantly I get "ERR" on the remote's screen. If the CD would actually finally load (say after 10 attempts), then it would play right through fine no skipping so the laser would seem to be ok. Changing to another CD would cause problems.
Now no CD will play. I hear mechanical sounds of CD shuttle struggling to load a CD and then "ERR" on the shuttle.
I would pull the shuttle out and take to the shop for repair (if affordable), but how the crap do you get it out without removing the panelling? One of the 2 screws is reachable, but I think I will have to pull my car to bits to get at the other. Well all know that when doing this, things never quite go back the same. ;-)
Any ideas?