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Old 10-08-2004, 01:24 PM   #1
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Exclamation Welcome to AF Street Bikes!!! READ ME FIRST!!!!

Welcome to AF's Street Bike forum!

If you have come for information on street legal motorcycles, you have come to the RIGHT place!

We have a few rules that you MUST abide by in order to participate on our forum. They are not anything "new" or "strange", but are slightly modified from the standard AF rules (that you have probably forgotten).

1) If you want to know what kind of bike to get, READ THE STICKIED THREADS AT THE TOP OF THE FORUM FIRST. If you post a thread saying "Hi, I'm new, what bike should I get?" YOUR THREAD WILL BE CLOSED, and you will be directed to the stickied threads at the top of the forum. This is NOT to discourage you from participating in our forum. We have covered the "starterbike" topic about 10,000 times, and you will learn more by reading what has already been discussed than you will by posting it all over again.

2) PLEASE ask us well-thought-out questions. We LOVE to help new riders learn about our passion. However, if you come in here and ask something like "y0, I want NAWWWSSSSSSSSSS on my first bike" you will be patronized and probably never taken seriously again.

3) GRAMMAR IS YOUR FRIEND. Please type like a civilized human being. If your native language is not English, tell us. We will understand. If you can't spell every word in Webster's, we don't care. We just want to understand what you posted without having to reread your post 1000 times. If you post like a schmuck, you WILL be sent to Banland for at least a temporary vacation.

That said, we welcome all new people to our forum. We love our sport, our passion, and maybe our addiction. We want you to learn and be intelligent about the subject of motorcycles. If you want to learn, you came to the right place!

AF Street Bike Forum

P.S. We like to post hard like we play hard. We usually do not post to offend. If you are offended, please tell the person.
Like a boy - but BETTER!

2005 Subaru Forester 2.5X
1997 Honda Civic EX Coupe

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