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Old 03-06-2013, 10:34 AM   #1
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Questionaire for college assignment

Hello there,

I was wondering if you could help me out on a college assignment i'm doing. I need to get feedback from my target audience on my plans for my documentary i'm going to produce about somebody's unique passion for thier car. I was wondering if i could ask you a few questions, about what you would like to see in a car documentary.

At college for my FMP (Final Major Project) I am producing a 5-10 minute documentary about somebody who has a big passion for cars. Before you answer this questionnaire could you please watch this 5 minute documentary that is similar to the one I am going to produce, and it will help you answer question 1.

1. What did you enjoy about the documentary “CarLove” that could be used in my own documentary?

2. Do you have a really strong passion/hobby for anything?
Yes No

3. If you answered yes, what is it and why are you so passionate about this thing?

4. In my FMP would you want to know how the person’s passion for cars came about?
Yes No

5. Would you want to know about the cars he’s had in the past?
Yes No

6. What do you want to know about the person who has a passion for cars?

7. Do you enjoy watching car related documentaries?
Yes No

8. What is it about car documentaries that you enjoy or don’t enjoy?

9. Do you think it would be good to see what other members of their family make of the person’s obession of thier car?
Yes No

10. Would you like a soundtrack to be played over the top of the person when he's speaking about his cars?
Yes No
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cars , college , documentary , questionaire , video
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