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Old 04-22-2013, 06:14 PM   #1
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Engine Enhancement

E.J. PLUS Engine Performance Enhancer

Over 25 years ago, E.J. created a combustion engine enhancement additive.

He formed the Enhancer purely by mistake. He was cutting weeds with his

rider mower one day. The mower kept over heating and stalling. Out of

frustration he took a break and noticed his wife had been mopping the

kitchen floor with a solution of very hot water and Chlorine Bleach.

She had dropped the cotton mop and when he reached to get it for her

he noticed that the mop head, (made of cotton) was very slippery.

It was then he thought of a mixer of, Motor Oil and Chlorine Bleach

to stop his mower from stalling and over heating. He gave it a try and

to his surprise, it worked. He mixed several ounces of the bleach with

a standard motor oil and his mower ran like a dream from them on. He went

on to try this same formula in his car engine. At this point he had nothing

to lose. Without money to enhance his cars power and gas mileage, he tried

this method with the family car. Again, it worked and did no harm to the car

engine. He and others were so shocked that he had ten percent more horse power

along with better gas mileage. Over the next 25 years, he has used this formula

in many combustion engines. It never failed. Not only did he use it in his vehicle,

but he had family and friends try it to their amazement! E.J. knows his stuff. Although

he makes no claim of being a pro mechanic, he has been working on and servicing cars all

of his life. At the age of 69 years old he now wants to share this method with other car

enthusiest. The reason being, he had planned on marketing the formula with a partner.

However, they hired an attorney and now the counselor will not return calls nor will

they answer e-mails inquiring about their patton. He now believes that his partner and

the attorney are working together to market what he created! He would rather share his

secret formula for engine enhancement than to allow it to be stollen from him. He wants

to share this with the world and share it free of charge! Yes, I know it sounds to good

to be true but it's the truth. He has many testimonies about how the formula works. One

testimony really stands out. He told his friend was going to Louisiana from Dallas TX. He

tried the formula in his car for the first time. Upon arrival in LA. he called E.J. with

the news. He had made it to LA. from TX. with only a 1/4 of a tank of gas! He also reported

that he had much more power during the trip. Now, you are most likely sceptical about this

claim. That is understanable. However, no one is charing one penny or any amount of money

for this formula! As stated above. E.J. would rather the entire world reap the benefits from

his simple creation that to let anyone steal it from him! E.J. Plus, is the name for the formula.

Or at least this is what he wanted to call it. Now for some details about the formula.

It automatically cuts down on friction in your engine or metal working parts. It creates a steam

like vapor when exposed to heat. Therefore the chlorine penatrates deep into the metal working parts.

Now that the chlorine is within the moving parts, it will be heated and creates the slippery emoltion

that make the parts work smarter not harder. It is very simple. It can be used in any combustion engine.

Or aircraft. It can used in mowers, the rear end of cars and wheel barrings. Farming equiptment too.

Trains, disel engines as well. E.J. states that you will not have trouble with Summer month over heating

nor winter cold starts. The formula can be used on anything with metal gears. Engines will run smooter,

cooler and it does not hurt the enviroment. It cuts down so much on engine noise that you must be careful

not to restart your engine and wreck your fly wheel! The formula will work in any industrial equiptment

with metal gears! There are a few downfalls as with anything. It cannot be used in new cars. You should

have at least 75'000.00 miles on your metal part engine. So there you have it. E.J. has even offered his

private phone number for those that have questions. There are absolutely no catches, no charge no anything.

Think of it this way. It's one shade tree mechanics idea that he wants to share with everyone because he

knows it works. If anyone knows about engines and moving parts it's E.J. He must however enphisise that

he cannot be responsible if in fact the formula doesn't work for you or if the ratio you create is not

correct to his recipe. Or if it causes any damage with misuse. Basically, it's create and use at your own

risk. He only wants to share something that will help people with better gas mileage and wear and tear on

their vehicles. It's like a friend sharing a recipe with someone. But they cannot be held liable if the

shouffle falls in the oven.
Here is his private phn# if you have questions. We are sure you will. Again, this formula comes with a disclaimer. E.J. will not be responsible for any damages prior to or after the use of this formula. He can and will assist you if you contact him @ 214 753-3439.
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