07-17-2007, 03:50 PM
AF Newbie
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Location: Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania
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sr20det questions?
Hey everyone, I’m a newbee and I’m probably going to end up buying a 240sx (s13) buy the end of this summer. I would probably end up doing a SR20DET swap. I would like to eventually make around 300-400hp in few years. My questions are- How much power can and SR handle? (just curious)
- How much power can it handle on stock internals?
- What is a good turbo to handle that type of power and what would I need to go with it? ( I don’t wont the stock s15 G28) not enough power
- Also would it be posible to get 500hp out the SR because it looks like non of the turbos for SR can handle that much power exept Greddy t88 but I could’t find a kit for an SR but I seen one on a SR.
I will except any suggestions, Thanks to every one for any help.