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96 lesabre stumbles at steady speed

12-30-2009, 11:03 PM
i have a 96 lesabre that starts, drives, and runs fine except for the following. when going at a steady cruising speed it hesitates and acts like its missing. when i accellerate or decellerate it goes away. it only seems to happen when the engine has a light load on it. when i try to accellerate it sputters a little then does fine. no sign of engine missing. this is noticeable when i have the cruise engaged as well. any help would be appreciated. thanks, ben

01-01-2010, 06:54 PM
i have a 96 lesabre that starts, drives, and runs fine except for the following. when going at a steady cruising speed it hesitates and acts like its missing. when i accellerate or decellerate it goes away. it only seems to happen when the engine has a light load on it. when i try to accellerate it sputters a little then does fine. no sign of engine missing. this is noticeable when i have the cruise engaged as well. any help would be appreciated. thanks, ben

Plugs/wires is all I can think of.


01-02-2010, 09:32 PM
new plugs and wires. idles rough as well. i am going to check each one as well.

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