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where can I find reasonably priced LS1 and transmission?

02-03-2009, 08:44 PM
I have a 1999 3.8 litre camaro and want to swap it out with the LS1 and 6 speed tranny. Anyone know where I can find a good deal on an LS1 in Maryland?

02-10-2009, 03:13 PM
Try your local salvage yards . They may have one or most can get on the nationwide salvage yards network and locate one . It may not be local but can be shipped . Also I'm not sure how affordable the price may be as they usually overprice parts . You could try putting an ad on www.craigslist.com (http://www.craigslist.com) and see if anything turns up . Your best bet at an affordable price is to find a wrecked car locally and deal with an individual as opposed to a salvage yard . You will also need the wiring harness from the donor car as your old one will not work and possibly other items such as the transmission cross member and other related items .

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