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92 Corsica Fan and Wiring

08-23-2008, 07:07 PM
Hi all,

First-time poster here. I looked through the other posts on fan issues (as well as other sources online, but I'm still confused!

I have a 1992 Corsica and the radiator fan won't come on. Surprisingly, it hasn't overheated. If it gets too hot, we put the heat on (that fan works) and let the heat come into the car! Okay, that's dumb, so I want to fix the radiator fan.

I have a wiring diagram and a multimeter, but I'm not really sure how to proceed. I see two wires (1 blk and 1 blk w/red) coming from the fan...then they go in a tube thing mixed in with other wires. I've read about testing the fan and fuses and relays, but I'm not sure how to find them.

Somewhere near the fan I saw a wire dangling with four female prongs. I saw a spot nearby that looked like it would plug into (a metal engine type part), so I shoved that in. Not sure if that was a good idea or not, but no difference to the fan!

Also, on the drivers side, near the windshield there are two chunks of wires plugged into things. There is also a single red wire that is not plugged into anything, but I'm not sure where it should go (or what it's for).

Basically, I think I understand the concepts of testing the fan and stuff, but I don't know where to begin! I'd like to run power directly to the fan to see if the fan motor itself is just bad. How do I get to the wires to do that? I don't see where they go!

Thanks in advance! As you can see I don't know too much about this stuff, but want to figure it out without taking it to a mechanic!


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