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94 LHS BIG loss of POWER

06-26-2008, 07:29 PM
last night i was driving on the highway like 70 to 80 mph average... WOT sometime on the highway... the car ran very good and fast reactions.. then i went to bowling with my friends and then as when i was leaving the bowling parking lot, ive noticed a BIG loss of power of how my car is giving to me, i got to WOT to just move the car up... veryyy SLOW reactions and the RPM climbs very slow... :mad: .. anyone got any idea why my lhs is doing this to me... i would like a fast reply thankss

07-06-2008, 04:40 AM
Try posting your questions under Dodge Intrepid. I've never been able to get a reply under the LHS forum. I just say it's an intrepid when dealing with engine issues. Be sure to specify what type of engine you have. Mine is a 3.5 V6.

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