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How Important Is It?

05-10-2008, 11:22 AM
Hi All,

I have a '07 Aveo LS with 26500 miles on it.

How important is it to have the "suggested" 30,000 mile dealer inspection since the 2008's don't suggest having it done any longer?

Has the engine changed at all from 2007 to 2008?

I plan on changing the timing belt, tensioner, water pump, etc. every 50,000 miles.


M Karns

05-13-2008, 12:38 PM
Dealers always want to get money from you, You can do all your maintance/services by the book and your engine dies and they still will find something to keep from replacing a engine under warrenty. Do your own maintance and you keep track of it and do it at the 50,000 mile mark should be just fine. I used to work for a GM service center for 6 years.

05-18-2008, 01:51 PM
The 30,000 mile dealer inspection is the "last chance" catch. Here is why it is important:
Your bumper to bumper on the Aveo is 3 years / 36,000 miles. Past 36,000 miles (because if you are like me, always comes first), any repairs that are not drivetrain related are all on you.
The 30,000 mile inspection is the chance for them to catch potential problems and still allow them to cover it under your bumper-to-bumper. It is a win/win. They do a full inspection to make sure everything is in tip-top shape, if something is not working right they repair it at no cost to you (good for you), if they have to repair something GM pays for parts and labor, so they get a service job out of it (good for them).
Atop that, you get the warm fuzzy that the dealership is looking out for you, which increases your comfort and reassurance in the vehicle and the service of your preferred dealership. Good for everyone involved.
Think about it, get it inspected, because past that, buddy, it is all you. Personally, I would want to take the last chance inspection.

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