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Transmission Problems

01-04-2008, 07:02 PM
I have a question, My 2001 Eclipse transmission went bad :banghead: and I have done some shopping an saw that its really expensive for a new or even re-built trans, I want to know if I could possible spend the same amount or even less to switch it out to a standard, if so what would I need, and how much would it cost, its a auto of course and would like it to be a standard anyways. Any help I would greatly appreciate,Thank You. -Andy

Sleepr awd
01-05-2008, 12:01 AM
there isn't much of an advantage with a manual besides having taht extra pedal on the floor.

i can't find teh list either. for some reason club3g.com has no record of it, and i've been looking for 30min. hopefully someone else has it.

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