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BIG oil leak

08-16-2007, 01:36 PM
About 2 weeks ago I left my 94 3000GT SL in my parking lot with a cover on it, and took my Explorer to Maine for about 12 days. I come back, and see that my 3000 has a puddle under it, of OIL. I just was able to check it out last night and it definately ISN"T because of a loose bolt, unfortuantly. It is coming from somewhere near the block. I dont know where exactly, but if you were to look from the passenger side of the car, (take the air intake out), about half way down, right above the transmission. All my oil leaked out.

I drove it the day I left, to work and back, and it ran PERFECT, as usual. However, that same afternoon (right before i left for 12 days) I noticed the oil pressure was low.

I posted my car for sale to this site about 3 weeks ago to see if anyone was interested, incase you think its the same car, it is. I guess I just have AWFUL luck, and I try to sell my car and 5 days later this happens!!

If anyone has any idea what caused this, what I should do, or anything, please let me know. You guys always nail problems perfectly, and it would help a ton (seeing how I dont have the money to even keep the car anymore unfortuantly:frown: ).


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