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Auto. Trans problem...

08-12-2007, 09:53 PM
:shakeheadcant figure it out, my 1991 Geo Metro's Auto trans wont shift from park, I've tried everything and feel like im going to break the shifter just trying to shift,
(granted im a pretty big guy and work pretty hard to try to shift).:banghead:
Was running fine yesterday and the engine still runs but can't shift, was having some problems with difficulty shifting to park before but never from park. please post w/ any info.

08-13-2007, 01:03 AM
There is what is called a shift interlock that prevents the car from shifting out of park without the brake pedal being depressed, although I don't recall this interlock being designed to prevent shiftin INTO park. Nevertheless I think it would be worth your time to remove the shifter console, and inspect the solenoid which will have two wires going to it, and it should be hard to mistake for anything else. Inspect both the solenoid and any associated hardware for inproper placement which may be causing some sort of binding.


08-13-2007, 01:48 AM
To add some other things to check. Does your brake lights come on when you press the brake pedal. If not check for a blown fuse. I believe the same fuse is used to energize the shift interlock solenoid. Also check the wiring to the range switch and the also inspect the stoplamp switch. All these are wired in series to the solenoid and any problems in the chain will cause the shifter to lock up.

Most cars do have a manual shift interlock release but I'm not sure if the Metro has one

08-13-2007, 02:19 PM
thanks so muckfor the replys im gonna try to workout the problem and will get back to you!!

08-13-2007, 04:41 PM
I just looked this up and it would seem there is a manual release also for the shift lock. If you look at the side of the shift lever cover (driver side) there is a cover with a screw. Remove this cover and push the cam to release the shift lock. I've nevre had to do this so I'm quoting from the book but anyway it is supposed to work.

This is only a temp fix to get you moving so you will still need to figure out what is going on.

08-14-2007, 11:31 AM
I just looked this up and it would seem there is a manual release also for the shift lock. If you look at the side of the shift lever cover (driver side) there is a cover with a screw. Remove this cover and push the cam to release the shift lock. I've nevre had to do this so I'm quoting from the book but anyway it is supposed to work.

This is only a temp fix to get you moving so you will still need to figure out what is going on.
Thanks for the info im going to try out useing the manual release today and ill get back to you on whats wrong later.

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