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1996 SKYLARK Sparkplugs

Bill Wilky
07-17-2007, 01:00 PM
I have a 1996 Skylark with the 3.1 engine. How do you get to the back 3 spark plugs. I can touch with my finger tip, but have no idea how to get a tool on there to get them out. There is no pivot hinge on this motor like most other cars.

07-23-2007, 11:25 AM
I have a 1996 Skylark with the 3.1 engine. How do you get to the back 3 spark plugs. I can touch with my finger tip, but have no idea how to get a tool on there to get them out. There is no pivot hinge on this motor like most other cars.

It can be done with a universal joint attached to the tool but it's a royal pain to have to change the spark plugs by sense of touch. I have that same engine, so I know.

Bill Wilky
07-23-2007, 11:28 AM
I guess I will hav to buy one of those. Thank you for your reply.

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