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A/C conversion Help

06-25-2007, 09:40 AM
Hello Group,

I have the A/C conversion/charger cans ready. I have been reading that I need to evacuate the entire system of the original freon. Can I do this? Is there a piece of equipment that I would have to purchase to perform this evacuation, and how do I dispose of the evauated stuff?

All the help is greatly appreciated.



06-25-2007, 01:34 PM
if it has R-12 in it then you should go to a place that does ac recharging and have the system evacuated. you can get in big trouble for just opening a hose and letting the stuff out. R-12 is fairly expensive and they might suck it out for free to recycle it. if they suck it out then you will also have a vacuum in the system before you recharge it since that whats your supposed to do anyway. call around to different shops and see if anyone will do it for free

06-29-2007, 11:31 PM
Crvette is right, it is really illegal to vent R-12. Plus, you will have to evacuate the system for almost an hour to get all the R-12 out of it. Any R-12 left in the system will contaminate the R-134. But that's assuming the system has R-12 in it. Is your A/C working right now? If it's low on R-12, it's low because of a leak. If you convert to R-134a without first fixing the leak, you'll be fighting a losing battle. The R-134a molecule is much smaller than the R-12 and it leaks like crazy through any crack it can find. But to answer your question: You will need a vacuum pump and a manifold gauge to do this job properly. You'll also need to add new oil. The old oil is not compatible with R-134a. It can stay in the system, but it will not mix with R-134a.

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