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insurance $ ???

06-20-2007, 08:13 PM
I crashed my 95 metro a couple sat. ago, I am getting ready to deal with insurance i believe the metros probably totaled:banghead: . Just curious has ne one ever totaled their metro and what kind of ins money did you get? Im really pissed becaus now i have to drive a 96 caravan and went for 46mpg to 18 :banghead: really kinda hurts the pocketbook.

06-20-2007, 11:03 PM
Go to the Kelly Blue Book online


and look up your year Metro, engine size, miles, estimated condition...

That is THE MOST the insurance company will give you!

Sucks pond water! I have probably $2,500 or more into my '93 Metro, but I'd
only get $500 from Farmer's - if I was lucky.

That is the way it works.

My car insurance is Liability and Uninsured Motorist only.

Paying replacement is a waste of money.

I drive as if every other car has a jibbering ape at the wheel. Not too far from
the truth.

The Police told my wife (Member of S.C.O.P.E.) that statistically one out of
four drivers on the road at any time are under the influence of drugs or

Whenever a car is waiting ahead of me to turn onto the road, I flash my head
lights repeatedly to get their attention - even so many pull out in front of me
and I have to slam on the brakes!

I saw a bumper sticker several days ago:

"You never really learn to swear until you start driving"

You'll have to suck it up and just go buy another used Metro, fix it up and
hope no other complete asswipe is lurking in the bushes ready to destroy it....


06-21-2007, 12:37 AM
Yeah, living in southern california, I can tell you that it is definitely worth while to develope a solid set of evasive maneuverability skills.

06-21-2007, 12:52 AM
If you drive a Metro you need to know evasive maneuvers. It should just go hand in hand, or you're asking for trouble. I have been cut off by so many people that I have become rather good at simultaneously and instantly, honking the horn, hitting the brakes and swerving away. And then there are those people who jump ahead of me after a stop light, only to have me pass them again. Everyone assumes small cars mean slow. I have reduced the number of people cutting me off by driving 10 km/h over the speed limit. That gets most peoples attention, though I still pay attention for the meatheads on their cell phones.


06-24-2007, 08:04 PM
Dr Bill,
I read in your post..."Whenever a car is waiting ahead of me to turn onto the road, I flash my head
lights repeatedly to get their attention - even so many pull out in front of me
and I have to slam on the brakes!

Here in NH it's customery to flash your headlights when you want someone to go in front of you. Could these people be mis-interpreting your intentions?

06-24-2007, 08:22 PM
Dr Bill,
I read in your post..."Whenever a car is waiting ahead of me to turn onto the road, I flash my head
lights repeatedly to get their attention - even so many pull out in front of me
and I have to slam on the brakes!

Here in NH it's customery to flash your headlights when you want someone to go in front of you. Could these people be mis-interpreting your intentions?
I was thinking the same exact thing as I was reading this thread. I think many are mis-interpreting your intentions by flashing your lights.
There was a small article in our local paper last week about how many bad drivers there are out there in today's world. Someone summed it up pretty good by saying that those who are bad drivers count on us good drivers to compensate for their bad driving habits, by our actions.

06-24-2007, 11:09 PM
well, thanks guys I still haven't heard anything from the insurance so hopefully i will soon. I will let everyone know what I get when the time comes

06-25-2007, 12:40 PM
Holy crap!

So in some parts of America, flashing your lights at a car waiting on a side road
to pull out means, "Go ahead, pull out now." ??

Even if you are approaching them at high speed? Could anyone be so stupid as
to then pull out and get "T-Boned" ?

I do it because many of the drivers at one intersection (a "T") are coming from
a local "Indian" Casino in Idaho. Many are drunks, in my opinion.

Especially late in the afternoon and mores so at night after 8 or 9 PM - worse
if it is 10 PM to 1 AM.

I do it so they are sort of knocked into awareness of my car approaching - awakened
as it were by my lights flashing.

So then - what do I do to get their attention?

I have been considering putting a flash unit in front of my radiator like is in a
disposable camera. But it would have to flash repeatedly because I can
actually see the drivers looking elsewhere as I approach them.

But that is probably Illegal as they could be interpreted as an emergency or police
vehicle. They are picky in Washington when you put unusual lights on a vehicle.

It is very unnerving to approach an intersection at 55 (I could slow to 45 maybe)
and not know if the car waiting to pull out will do it just as you get there!

If you have driven a motorcycle, you'd know EXACTLY what I mean!

I have passed such accidents at that intersection on my way home, glad that
it was someone else and wasn't me....

Damn - communication is sometimes impossible.


PS - Big 18 wheelers are the worst for doing this! They probably would like to crush that
little blue "bug" approaching them....

06-25-2007, 01:29 PM
in some states they have to pay replacement value on a car not blue book. friend in kansas just got hit in a contour. insurance only offered him $2200 on the car, he check with his states insurance commisioner and in kansas they have to pay you what it would cost to go to a dealer and get another one. he checked around at the local dealer and got a few prices and contacted the insurance agent again and they ended up giving him $3500 for the car

06-29-2007, 08:48 AM
i drive a metro also, month or so ago a guy in a huge 300m rear ended me at a stop light. when we got the car checked out for our money from the guy, they said the car was 80 percent total and they asked if we wanted them to total it out and junk it i said HELL NO! i found this awkward though because there was really no damage, a few scratches on the back bumper! anyways, if we totalled it out they would have only got 850 dollars for the whole car! so we just took the repair price of the bumper and actually got 750 dollars. weird huh? anyways, they will get you any way you can, so be careful with the insurance companies!

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