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95 geo metro Emissions

06-05-2007, 06:51 PM
My Geo Metro Failed the Emissions Test for Georgia. What Failed was
NOx ppm. What can i do to fix it or just rig it just to pass. The Reading for the NOx ppm was 2500 and i need 1460 on the 25/25 test and on the 50/15 test it read 2930 and it needed 1616 to pass. please help me

06-06-2007, 03:37 AM
judging by how badly you missed the mark, I would guess that your EGR system is clogged/not working, you will probably need to at least pull the intake manifold and exhaust manifold to check/clean the EGR ports.

A quick simple check is to actuate your EGR valve while the engine is idling ( either by moving the valve by hand or using a vacuum pump ) and if the system is working your car will run rough or stall, if not your car will be unaffected.

there is a lot of information about this in other posts here, and it is a common problem w the Metros.

whats the mileage on the car?

06-06-2007, 08:40 AM
Dear Metro guys! I had the same emissions test failure. Before you tear into the engine read this. I used a can of "GM engine cleaner" it smelled just like Kerosene. Follow the directions, spray the contents into the intake while the engine idles, shut it off, let it sit over night. Next morning run it on the interstate a few exits & back and go for your emissions re-test. You'll pass with flying colors. Your NOX readiing will be something like .2 What do you think Dealerships do??? Decabonize heads to get their stickers on cusomers windshields? Hell no. This can (don't have a part number) is a tall blue & white spray can, maby 20 oz. or so. Says "GM Engine Cleaner" Cost maybe $20 or so. I got mine from "Clarks Corvair Parts" catalog. I don't think you should touch your tools until you guys try this first. It worked for me! I have a can on the shelf waiting for my next high NOX reading .. then BAM! I'll spray it in and pass teh test. Please try this first. I suspect it's Kerosene in a spray can. Maybe I'll try straight Kerosen in a plant mister next time. DangerDude

06-08-2007, 06:46 PM
I wouldn't stick anything down the engine unless the engine was causing me a problem. If the engine has a lot of miles on it, engine cleaners will likely loosen up things that you don't want loosened. I would expect it to remove the carbon off the walls of the cylinders, causing the rings to not seat properly anymore.

Another option is to fuel your car with premium next time and let the additives in it do what they are supposed to.

And, if the catylitic converter has never been replaced, than it is likely not doing it's job anymore. Although I'm not a full supporter of this technology, (because if you don't replace them they make emissions worse) it is also a likely cause of the high emissions found in the test. Luckily, there is only one cat on the 95!


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