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Control arm info

06-04-2007, 10:13 AM
I just replaced the lower control arms on my 96 metro. Unfortunately, I have a lousy Chiltons and it doesn't tell me how to install the control arm to the front bracket or how tight to make the large control arm to front bracket nut. It seems that the front bushing locks in place when you tighten the nut so I would think the arm has to be in a certain position before you tighten the nut to avoid having the bushing twist too much when the car is off the jack. Anyway, if anyone has any info I would greatly appreciate it.

06-07-2007, 12:59 AM
If you are referring to the front bushing for the control arm - the large nut on that has to be torqued to 92 ft lbs. That bushing is on pretty tight anyway so I doubt it will be able to twist much. I had to replace that bushing on the driver side control arm about a year ago and pretty much destroyed a 12 ton press that I used to press it in. I've since upgraded to a 20 ton press.

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