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70k service for 2002 Si

03-17-2007, 07:51 AM
I just owned 2002 civic Si 70k. what shoud i do for service because i do not know the history maintanance from previous owner

03-20-2007, 04:16 PM
Everything should be fine on the car... but you should still take it to your mechanic that you deal with and let him see how everything is running.. no tune up is required till 110,000 miles (I believe). Also, drop by any honda dealer and speak to someone in service and ask them what typically needs to be done with the miles on your car..and see if you can purchase something like a service timeline on your car... I have a 04 Si and I have 72,000 miles (yes a lot of miles) and I continue to get my oil changed around every 3000 miles.. Currently I am having a clutch problem, that I am trying to figure out. Still I love the car... it may not be the fastest car, but it turns heads and is great to drive and I am bone stock... Enjoy the car and have fun!

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