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rusting out

03-10-2007, 11:02 AM
I noticed the underside of my 93 Lesabre Limited is severely rusting. I can poke holes thru the underside with my finger. It's mostly the metal where the rocker panels get bolted onto, both sides. Is any of that replaceable? The rest of the car is in mint condition for a 93, and I would hate to scrap it because of this. You see these sorts of things done on TV, but it seems like the people who are willing (or able) to do this sort of work are few and far between. Most people just take the easy way out and tell you it cant be fixed.

03-10-2007, 02:08 PM
Inner and outer rockers can be replaced and floor pans can be repaired, cost more than the value of the car though, check with a " real" body shop.

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