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Seeking Metro parts

02-24-2007, 08:51 PM
Hello everyone,
I spent the morning and part of the afternoon searching for parts, and thankfully found most of them.
Sadly, I still need a couple more. The most important one is the driver's side mirror. Around here, I cannot even find one to put longer screws into. I just cannot find any at all. I would rather my $ go into your wallet than to some company I don't even know.
The other item(s) are the lift cylinders for the hatchback. The current ones 'work' though they seem dried out and difficult to move. I fear that if I lube them that they will just slide without holding the hatch up. The local Checker wants almost $50 EACH! I could not even find a similar match up to another car to make it work. It would be great to get the mirror and the hatch lifters from one place.
There was even a very decent hood at the junk yard which I bought, even though some rude person went through the yard with a screwdriver and put X's on every decent hood as far as the eye could see. I need to repaint the hood anyway to match the car. This simply means that I need to learn how to use body filler as well.

02-24-2007, 09:35 PM
For the hatch support struts, I purchased some from Ebay for around $45 shipped for the pair, they work excellent! Couldn't be happier!

As for the side mirror, there are several places you could find one. One is Ebay, they're fairly reasonable and most in pretty good condition. You can find them some other places too, but for not as cheap.

Hope that helps you some! I'm sure others on here will comment and give you advice as well. :) Good luck in finding your parts!

GM Line Rat
02-25-2007, 07:38 AM
The most important one is the driver's side mirror. Around here, I cannot even find one to put longer screws into. I just cannot find any at all. I would rather my $ go into your wallet than to some company I don't even know..
Damn! I was just at ther boneyard yesterday.....Probably 8 Metros with good DS Mirrors there!

GM Line Rat
02-25-2007, 07:44 AM
E-Bay or Autozone for the "Hatch lift supports". Every set i've ran across at the local boneyards have been no good! I need a set for my 94 Metro 4 Dr now.

02-25-2007, 11:22 AM
i have some drivers side mirrors. on the htches you can put a very slight bend in one of them and it will also keep hatch from smacking you in the head. just a little stiffer to close. just make sure its just a slight one of 1/8" or less, just grab shock in middle where body meets piston and pull toward you slightly

02-25-2007, 06:26 PM
Thank you for the advice everyone. It looks like the best deal will be hatch lifts on ebay for about $35.
There is another matter which I need some advice on. The head liner is sagging. It looks like the adhesive is completely gone. Is this sort of situation repairable? Does it need to be replaced?

02-25-2007, 11:27 PM
You probably don't want to spend this much, but I just got one for my 1995 Metro for $62.95 including shipping from partsandaccessories.com. Good service, and new ones have stronger plastic and will last longer.

This reply refers to the DS outside mirror, something I forgot to specify earlier.

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