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1998 metro help please!!!

10-16-2006, 07:22 PM
I bought a 1998 chevy metro 1.3L...It seems as if it may have been in a flood though I was never told that. The manuals in the glove box are water damaged, there were pennies w/ corrosion, etc. It starts right up and idles fine. There is hardly any acceleration though. I drove it a ways...about 15 miles and I thought it was getting better, but it went right back to bad again. I took it to advanced and it threw a ton of codes. It will not take fuel...well it will slowly. If you fill it too fast it will spit it out. ANY SUGGESTIONS? PLEASE HELP> THIS IS NOW MY DAILY DRIVER!!!! Should I just keep driving it and try to clean or dry it out? When I first started I had a hard time hitting 5 mph then I hit 25...now recently just 42 then had to slow down for a light. If I push the gas too much though it just boggs right down...I pretty much need to feather the gas up to speed!!!
it has new plugs, wires, air filter, etc. even oil looks good; no water or anything. It seems as the owners tried to get it back running right and couldn't figure it out. Should I check catalytic converter, injectors, what? Thanks

10-16-2006, 10:16 PM
What kinda codes ?

Saltwater ??? Reason I ask is that I dont remember seeing pennies corrode in freshwater only in saltwater. If water got in the glove compartment, thats close to the intake / exhaust and over the ECM...

Have you checked the oil yet ? How about the fuel tank ? I would start with the most effective and inexpensive by changing out the filters, Oil, Air, Fuel.

You might want to run a carfax on it to see if it was a Katrina victim.

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