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A compilation of all my '93 Metro threads saved to a CD

10-10-2006, 02:44 AM
I went finally thru this Forum and saved all the pertinent posts to my Hard Drive
this evening.

Here is what I have posted to date...! Amazing!


28 MB of threads.

So far "Head and Rings" is 21 pages - that is as you see them on your Monitor.

They can all be read offline using your Browser. Pictures and all.

When all is done and my Geo is running (any bets on whether or not it will?)
would anyone be interested in buying a copy of the CD...?

Just an idea.


10-11-2006, 08:06 PM
Thirty Six "views" to date and not a single reply...OK

Let's bag that idea!


10-11-2006, 11:11 PM
I might be interested, how much for a CD?

10-12-2006, 08:28 AM
As I have these pages right now, one has to view them with a Mozilla Browser
called "SeaMonkey."

Internet Explorer won't always work.

I am trying to set them up to use Adobe Acrobat.

No one gives a rip about how I set them up - they just want it to work.

Once I have it set up so anybody, anywhere can read the CD, then...?

The CD's cost about 40 cents (depending on local "sales" on CD's)

Then I have to buy "mailers" - don't know what each one would cost.

Then, if I send them by USPS, the postage cost - probably $1

Then - what should I consider for all my efforts to get this working
and copying them, etc etc...?

I have put a lot of time and effort into this!

So I'll ask you - what would you consider reasonable?

Kind of scares me - what if 10,000 requests came in !? Or only three....

Never did anything like this before. Do I need to go get a business license?

Will the IRS come after me?


10-12-2006, 12:11 PM
Maybe 8 bucks. You can save yourself alot of trouble by putting all the folders in a .zip file and uploading it to a website. When someone buys it send them an email with the link to download it. I don't think the IRS is worried about somebody making a few dollars here and there, they are too busy with the bigtime tax evaders.

10-12-2006, 03:02 PM
Considering all the material is yours and not copyrighted, should have no problem selling it :). It is public domain! You just put forth the effort to make it more pleasing to go through:grinyes: . If you don't wanna burn it on a CD, i'd be happy to donate a little bandwidth to those who wanna download it.

10-13-2006, 01:48 AM
might want to get metro running right before offering CD so that it has a happy ending

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