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just purchased

08-24-2006, 08:10 PM
I just bought a 93 metro for the gas mileage and I really enjoy driving it. When I got it I was told that the engine was rebuilt and it was running at about 42 mpg in town. Well I drive 133 miles one way to work in a hilly area and seem to think that I should get 42 mpg am averaging more like 37 mpg in the last two weeks that I have owned it. After I fill with gas It seems like a gallon or so falls out after the cap goes on. Also seems like there is an oil leak on the passenger side of the engine. I am not mechanically inclined but want to learn. If anybody has any ideas what I should look into fixing i would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

08-24-2006, 11:14 PM
Depending on where you live, rust can be a big problem. Next time you fill the tank, park on level ground and look underneath at where you fill the gas. There is a metal tube that runs from the gas cap for about 2 feet. This section will rust and leak gast. Rust comes from where the rear wheel kicks up salt and water onto the fill tube. The follow the metal tube, it will go into a flexible tube then the gas tank. Check for leaks or dripping at the gas tank and tube connection points. If your fill tube is leaking, you can get one from a junk yard. I have an extra one too.

Your oil leak could be from multiple locations. Make sure your valve cover is tight (4 bolts). Mine was leaking and it would drip down the passanger side of the car. My leak stopped after I snugged the bolts down.

If that doesn't fix it, then its either your oil pan seal, crank or cam seals. These should not leak with a rebuilt engine.

08-24-2006, 11:54 PM
yes worlds smallest and strangest valve cover on a geo metro. I do not even understand how it works but im not worried about it atm. Often leaks very small bolts.

08-29-2006, 11:42 AM
thanks for the help, but it seems that the center bolt is leaking, it looks like it cracked the cover is that dangerous? It does look like the pipe is rusty and I will look into replacing it again thanks for the help

08-29-2006, 12:38 PM
if your cover is cracked just replace it. another place to check for leaks is the distributor itself. feel the bottom of it and see if you find fresh oil. if you do you need to pull it out and replace the o-ring. oil will run down side of oil and look like a rear main leak. check your local wrecking yard for cover and gas pipe. if you can't find them let me know, i have lots of spare parts

08-29-2006, 11:16 PM
If you are talking about the BLACK cover on the passanger side of the engine, its nothing more than a shield to help keep dust and water away from the the timing belt/tensioner inside. If that cover is cracked, no big deal. If you see oil dripping from that cover, then your camshaft seal (top part of engine) or crankshaft seal (bottom part of engine) inside that black cover, is/are leaking. Sometimes the oil pan gasket will leak in the same spot below the bottom of the black cover. But before you do anything, take a 10mm wrench and tighten down the 4 nuts on the valve cover and see if the leaking slows or stops. Yous should clean your enigne really well and check to see where the oil is coming from. You can also sprinkle talc poweder or baby powder around suspected areas. The powder will adsorb the oil making easier to see where the leak is.

08-29-2006, 11:18 PM
You should also buy a service manual. It really comes in handy when learning about your car. $12 for helms or chilton manual.

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