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Reassembling the TBI and getting it running again.

08-21-2006, 09:32 PM
I posted a lot about my '93 Geo Metro this Fall. I posted a lot of annotated picture of the components.

It had gone from 47 mpg down to 33 mpg and wouldn't run well. Finally quit running altogether.

I see quite a few posts about this problem - mpg suddenly dropping low...

Had that infamous "sweet-spot" bullcrap problem where it would run well only when the throttle was in one
specific position. Then only if I pumped the throttle. Then would not idle unless the throttle was pumped.

DieInterim (remember him - got in a fight with the moderator) said I probably needed a new fuel pump.
We will see.... The pump pumps fuel into a can but that may be meaningless. Fuel lines are clear both
incoming and going back.

I noticed that the spiggot going into the EGR Valve attached to the Intake mainfold was completely
plugged up with carbon! DAMN!

My question now is - if I don't clean that entire line out, will the car still run?

If it runs, will it get poor mileage (mpg)?

Battery needs recharging, so tonight I'll do that and tomorrow I will try getting everything back together.

I hope it starts.

Has a new-used TBI Top (Injector and FPR gasket). A brand new PVC valve.

I have to reset the TPS with my Volt-Ohm-Milliameter, test the Fuel Pressure, test the Vacuum(s) [how
many different hoses?].....I guess that's it.

So many hoses to reattach......

I have a used ECM if the old one proves bad.

Does the Idle Control Module ever go poopie ? The one on the firewall...

Gots to fix this bugger - got too much money into it. New front wheel bearings ($250), new rear brakes
(maybe $120), new fuel pump ($185 - not installed yet).

Mostly - I love driving it! 47 mpg ain't bad either!

Pray for me....


08-26-2006, 06:15 AM
Just so everyone knows, I have a '93 Metro 3 cyl, 1.0 L Hatchback.
The TBI has been off all winter. Been too lazy to get it back together.

I got the little "Booger" reassembled yesterday.

I tried to start it, but not even a cough........ Have spark OK.

Plenty of Gasoline smell. Took the plugs out - they're OK.

ECL says 22 (TPS) and 32 (MAP).

I was expecting to have to reset the TPS with a VOM, but didn't do it.

The MAP is a used one I put in from the Pull-n-Save. Different plug
prong (male part on MAP) than what I originally had...(?)

I expected to at least get the engine to 'catch', but not even a cough.
Even a badly adjusted engine will sputter and fire somewhat!

Is it normal for a 3 cyl Suzuki engine from that year to be extremely
sensitive to the TPS not being adjusted?

Any suggestions on adjusting the TPS with the voltage measurements
as outline in the Chilton Manual ?
0.9v - 1.02v throttle closed.
4.85v - 4.95v throttle wide open.

Also, is this voltage between the sensor wire and ground?

Which wire is the sensor wire?

I think I should check the timing.... I have an older timing light - one that
goes to the battery and is run by the first plug wire.


08-26-2006, 10:23 AM
make sure you have spark at the plugs, not just the coil. if the plugs look dry try pouring a little gas down the throttle body. if the plugs look wet change them and run a compression test. if everything still looks ok let me know and can send you a map sensor and a throttle body that i know works

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