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speedometer quit working

01-24-2006, 03:48 AM
I have a '94 metro in which the speedometer and the auto door locks have quit working. Both problems occurred at the same time so I assume they're connected. Haven't checked trouble codes yet, planning to do that tomorrow. Any thoughts...?:confused:

01-24-2006, 06:58 AM
Check the spoodometer cable. Sometimes the cable can come out of the socket.

On the tranny the cable is covered by a rubber boot. Pull that back and you will see a clip that holds the drive assembly into the housing. Remove the clip and pull the cable up. If you look at the end there is a tang that enguages a slot in the transmission. A flashlight helps to see it as it's down in the hole. Reinstall making sure the cable tang goes into the slot. Put the clip back in and recover with the boot.

The speed sensor is on the back of the insturment cluster. It operates the speedo and, I believe, the door locks. Of course if the cable doesn't turn...well you get it.:naughty:

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