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Metro Mighty Mouse
01-21-2006, 04:58 PM
Just curious if anyone is interested in my homespun, less restrictive cold air style intake. I have gone a new direction and the assembly that I made is available. It will include the snorkel from the air cleaner box, a straight hose, cone filter, adapter to turn the air box aproximately 1 in, and altered pvc hose to maintain the normal connections. The installation will require opening up the hole in the fender well where the air is currently pulled from, turning the air box, and relocating one of the A C hoses if equiped. I will provide photos and instructions with the assembly to ease installation. If you are interested I can provide photos of the set up and I can also list it on ebay (seller - gotfrogs_sells) if you want a third party to handle the transaction.

I am also planning to make new white face guage covers for my 95 and if anyone was interested in buying a set I can make extras. I should have pictures up as part of my profile soon. You will be able to choose the "lights on" color you prefer and I can add custom touches that the pictures will show. Just let me know if your interested and we will work out the details.


01-22-2006, 08:20 AM
I'm interested in the CAI and the guage overlay. I believe the '92 has the same guage assembly...

Need more info as well as pricing,

Metro Mighty Mouse
01-28-2006, 01:31 AM
I am planning to make the 95 and 100 mph marks match the rest.

If you are interested I was thinking $20 each plus shipping and a $5 discount for buying both. Custom features for the gauges may be extra depending on what you want done. I will send 2 precut gauge sets and 1 precut color overlay for that price.

Thanks, Jon

Metro Mighty Mouse
01-28-2006, 04:26 PM
let me know what you think, even if you are not interested in purchasing!!

02-03-2006, 02:09 AM

I've been thinking about doing something like you have done with your air intake. Any comments about why you are changing the old one? What is the benefit of greater air flow? Any drawbacks? I've have been looking at K+N washable air filters, as mine gets messed up really fast by a modification to my valve cover exhaust tube. It would probably help to put the filter closer to the wheel as you have done.

I really like the the white guage sets. I may want one, but I'm going to look for a used guage with a tach first.


Metro Mighty Mouse
02-03-2006, 12:37 PM
I bought a manufactured version off ebay, it looks better but is drawing it's air from under the hood instead of out of the fender well. I may make a heat shield at some time in the future. I had decided to replace the filter I was using, although a good cleaning should be sufficient, and decided to shell out the extra money to get the shiny metal tube. There are small gains in HP and fuel mileage but my main reason was so I could clean and reuse the same filter. I went with the filter with the plastic heat shield, when you take the heat shield off it will fit in a smaller hole than other cone filters.

A couple of options for your PCV hose, there is a 10.00 round filter you can buy to connect to the hose to catch the oil blow by, you just need to buy an adapter to push into the hose and into the filter to connect them together. It sounds like you have a lot of blowby which may clog that filter very quickly. To deal with that I would recommend connecting a length of hose in the same manner and allowing it to hang behind the transmission, no filter necessary. Viola, no more oil in the engine compartment and rustproofing for the bottom of the car.

Instrument clusters are available through ebay and I have found one at a junk yard on a 95 that I plan to pull and sell on ebay. I will be offering it with the white face guages and paint as options for an additional cost. Due to financial reasons it may be a couple of weeks before I am able to pick it up. I have my supplies to redo the guages but lost my original scan, so I have to futz with a new scan to get it sized correctly and change the 95 and 100 mph marks to match the rest of the guage. Let me know when you are ready to go and if there are any custom features you want and we will see what we can do.

Thanks, Jon

Metro Mighty Mouse
02-04-2006, 01:51 PM
"Please expand on the options available for the guage overlay. Does your kit come with the overlay for the area around the face?" (From a Private Message)

Here are some of the things I can do;
* I should be able to provide a reasonable color choice within primary colors and I may be able to find or make other color choices available.
* The flames in the temperature guage (one of my favorite things about the overlay I made) and other two or more tone effects can be done. These effects are somewhat labor intensive and have to be done by hand so the pricing will reflect that.
* I can add pretty much any art effects that will show up when the lights are on (like Mighty Mouse on my speedo and tach, or the gas pump behind the fuel guage.). It may limit your color choices, I haven't had a chance to experiment with some of the other materials yet. I will need an example of what you want either emailed or sent to me and anything that can be done as a black outline will work (no shading).
* the chrome guage surround was done with Krylon chrome paint and was very effective. If you wanted me to do the paint you would have to send me the part and I would paint it and send it back. The guage surround was done with regular Krylon and took a lot of prep work to get it to stick. I have recently purchased some Krylon Fusion for plastic that I am going to try out and it may work better. Same deal on that part, if you want me to do it for you, you will have to send me the part and I will send it back in color.
* The colored needles (you probably didn't even notice) were done by carefully removing the paint from the back side and repainting in the color of choice. It's hard to read your guages without them but I can do these for you also.
* I can change the look and size of the markings on the guages. This can be a rather fussy job to get to look right so it may add to the cost, but I should be able to enact whatever you envision.

If you need help finding a way to make the vision for your vehicle come to life just let me know, advice is free, and if you want me to create something for you we can work out an acceptable price. Just as an example I wanted to rebadge my car as Mighty Mouse, after looking at diffrent ways to do what I wanted I ended up using plexi and grinding it down and shaping it with a Dremel. The final effect is raised and painted badges that can be seen in the photo of the rear of the car. I also have a 1L that used to be on the left hand side that was knocked off during a hail storm and I have the double M on the nose of the car but a rock broke off the bottom of one of the m's. I also did 2 license plate frames, Mighty Mouse in the front with his famous phrase (I hit a cone that was laying in the freeway in the middle of the night that took Mighty Mouse out and by the time I realized that was what had flown over the top of the car it was too late to go back and try to find him, :disappoin ). In the rear I had "This vehicle protected by Derringer" with a very cool pearl handled derringer on it. I had to remove it because it covered part of the state name on the plate. Let me know what you want and we will work to bring it to life.

Thanks, Jon

02-08-2006, 08:45 PM
Nice stuff!:grinyes:

What material do you use for the guage overlay?

I'm concerned with fading over time.

Also, as it is possible to put larger wheels on the Metro can you correct the speedo MPH if you are provided with the details? That is the equivalents in the factory MPH and correlate to the MPH wanted.

Metro Mighty Mouse
02-09-2006, 01:02 PM
Nice stuff!:grinyes:

What material do you use for the guage overlay?

I'm concerned with fading over time.

Also, as it is possible to put larger wheels on the Metro can you correct the speedo MPH if you are provided with the details? That is the equivalents in the factory MPH and correlate to the MPH wanted.

In the pictures of the overlays they are at least 3 years old and probably more like 4 to 5 years (I don't remember exactly when I made them, I just know it has been quite a while). The car has always been stored outside in the Texas sun and heat and they are not as dark as they once were but the fading is not extreme. I redid my headliner around the same time (I believe within a year of the guage) with a black with flames material I purchased at Wal-Mart. In comparison it has faded horribly even though it receives no direct sunlight so the overlays hold up very well. I decided to redo the overlays to refresh the look and change the 95 and 100 mph marks to match the rest of the guage. With improvements in inks I would expect these to hold up even better. I will also be sending 2 complete sets of overlays and 1 set of the color sheet so if it fades to the point where you want to replace it in a few years you will have that option.

Moving the MPH marks is definately possible, it is just a lot of work and hard to guarantee accuracy. If you can give me the correct MPH for each of the factory marks I should be able to adjust the marks to be reasonably close to correct. It will add to the overall cost but we can discuss that when I am about to start printing copies and you know what other options you want.

Thanks, Jon

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