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Hard Shifting....

01-10-2006, 10:53 PM
Hi All...
My '92 Metro (3 cylinder, 5-speed, 104,000 miles) is developing an occassional hard shifting problem. This is generally noticeable between 1rst to second and second to third, but it only happens every once in awhile.
Also, this problem happens when the Metro is warm, not cold and has been driven for awhile.
The free play is adjusted to specs and the manual tranny fluid has been changed with recommended fluid.
The clutch is feeling thin, not much there. Is it possible that the shifting problem is tied to the need for a clutch?
Thanks for your help!!!!!!!
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01-11-2006, 12:09 AM
Well, if your clutch is sticking, that would make it hard to shift, definately. But if it's worn out, it's probably completely disengauging. I would check for play in the shift linkage bushings. If the bushings are shot, it's most likely not finding the gear properly. Therefore, it won't go into gear till you jam it a few times.

01-17-2006, 12:05 AM
Thanks for the info, geozukigti.
Knowing I needed a new clutch, I had one installed and that seemed to resolve the hard shifting problem.
You mention shift linkage bushings... where are they and how do I check them?

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