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96 LHS Wiper Issue

12-20-2005, 05:04 PM
The high speed option will not function. Inter and low speed work. Has anyone delt with this issue? If so, what was your findings?

12-21-2005, 07:20 PM
This is a simple test you can try for starters

Under the hood on the drivers side is a large plastic box called the Power Distribution Box, if you open the cover and look inside there are a bunch of fuses and relays in there, (The inside of the Box Cover will have a legend stating which fuse and relay is which) pull the "Hi Low Wiper" Relay and set it aside, Pull another relay from another spot in the box (Say the AC Clutch Relay for example but all relays are the same, just don't pull the Int Wiper Relay or the wipers won't work at all.) and put it in the Hi Low Relay spot. Turn the ignition key to ACC (Backwards from the OFF/LOCK position) and try the Wipers again and see if you now have High Speed. If High Speed now works then put the set aside relay back in it's original spot and the swapped one back to the spot where it belongs (You will still have Low Speed Wipers for now, and putting a bad relay anywhere else in there may throw a fault code to the PCM or cause the vehicle to not start or run.) then go to a Parts Store or Dealer and get a new Relay to replace the bad one.

If the above test fails, then post back again and we'll go a little further into the problem.

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