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Ohio snow killed the Metro

04-26-2005, 09:02 AM
Greetings folks

This weekends freak snow in north Ohio, killed the mighty Metro.
Well she would not start, kept flooding the #1 spark plug.

I think all my adjustments to the Throttle stop screw, and idle adjust, required to maintain an idle, must have caused the mixture to be to rich on cold days?? Oh well back at her tomorrow.


P.S. you gotta love Triple A

04-26-2005, 11:24 PM
Well, it's only got 1 injector. If plug 1 is wet, it very well may be antifreeze. Check your compression in #1, could have a blown headgasket, cracked head, or warped head. Oh, and yea, that snow was nuts! It took 2 days for it to melt here. We had almost a foot accumulate in the grass, but the roads were all too warm. It melted.

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