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2 questions A/C and gate....

02-18-2005, 11:12 AM
Curious for input from other Santa Fe owners. I have a 2002 GLS 4wd, and when I open the back gate, the interior light does not come on. Is this normal? Second question is when I first start up the vehicle and turn on the heater the A/C button lights up turned on. Not a big deal I push the a/c button and it shuts off and it all works fine. I can turn the fan all the way off and back on the A/C does not light up again unless I shut the vehicle off, start it up and turn the fan on to get some heat, the A/C defaults to on. Is this normal? Otherwise the Santa Fe runs great is very comfortable and meets all the requirements I had for the it. I am just curious if I the interior light is supposed to come on when the gate is opened, and why the A/C comes on by default when I turn the fan on.

02-18-2005, 11:45 AM
I was looking at other Santa Fe message boards and found that when the ventilating system is blowing on the windshield it defaults to having the A/C on to help clear the windshield faster and dry the air out. If you examine the controls, the ones that include the windshield are green. Neato! Now I just need to find out if the dome light is supposed to come on when I open the gate. Or if maybe there are "cargo lights".....

02-21-2005, 02:13 PM
There is a rear cargo light in the rear cargo area.

Open up your rear hatch. (The arrow indicates where the cargo light is at).

The switch should have three postions you can set.
Off, Auto and Always On. Set it to the middle and that should take care of it.

TS out

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