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Odd radio question

01-18-2005, 09:36 AM
Hi, I am a proud owner of a 93 Geo... well may be not proud but an owner none the less :P.

I disconnected the battery to make a repair, afterwards I reset all my radio stations and the clock on the radio. But now I have a rather percular thing happening.... before I started mashing buttons to set the clock, the radio would always display the current station you are on for just a moment and then automatically switch back to displaying the time. If you wanted to see what station you were on you would then have to press the 'rcl' button.

But now its working the opposite. It constantly shows the radio station and if I want to see the time I have to press the 'rcl' button and the time will be shown briefly before defaulting back to displaying the radio station.

I have the owners manual and it says nothing about this - I retraced my steps and tried mashing all kinds of button combos to no avail. Anyone have any idea how I get it to switch back to showing me the time?

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