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cold weather problem!! Help please

11-14-2004, 08:28 AM
Since it got cold out, whenever I first try to start the the metro, I hear just a click (I think from the starter), and it won't turn over. I try again, same thing, maybe a little winding noise to boot. The 3rd time, it will usually fire. Sounds like the starter isn't engaging properly(if thats possible). When its warmed up, no problem. I don't want to get stranded on a cold day in the north east. The battery seems fine, so do you think it's the starter? (can starter problem be weather related) ?

11-15-2004, 09:25 AM
I would normally say starter, but I don't see why that should have anything to do with the outside temp. Sorry but I'm not much help...maybe somebody else will be able to help you so...bump...

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