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94 Tracker HELP!!!!!!

10-09-2004, 12:37 AM
I have a 94 tracker....I just replaced the battery and now my stereo doesnt work....I know I need the codes, but I dont have them. CAN ANYONE HELP ME????????

Its not a pretty sight...me singing to myself

10-10-2004, 02:50 PM
check your fuses

10-14-2004, 01:53 AM
I have a 94 tracker....I just replaced the battery and now my stereo doesnt work....I know I need the codes, but I dont have them. CAN ANYONE HELP ME????????

Its not a pretty sight...me singing to myself

I may be able to help you get your code.

First do the following: Turn your ignition on to Assessory or Run and turn on your radio, You may see LOC in the display screen

1. Press and hold presets 2 & 3 or 1 & 4 for about 10 seconds until the first 2 or 3 digits of the display code are displayed.

2. Write the numbers down.

3. Press the AM/FM button; write down the next 2 or 3 numbers.

NOTE: on some radios you may get a 4 digit number after holding 2 & 3 or 1 & 4. Thats fine, then you wont have to press the AM/FM Button, write the number down.

Email me that 4 digit number and I will see if I can get your unlock code for you.

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