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92 w/burned valve?

09-23-2004, 12:55 PM
I had a loud banging...cracked piston skirt on the #2 cyl. Like an idiot, I put in new pistons/rings, but didn't do a valve job. Now, it still runs rough, has no power when taking off, and goes "putt,putt,putt" out the tailpipe. What are the symptoms of a burned valve? Can I fix this myself? Oh, and the auto trans doesn't shift by itself until it's very, very warm...if anyone wants to tackle that...:)

09-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Could be that the timing belt got off a notch. Double check to be sure. Burnt valve should show up if you do a compression test.

09-30-2004, 01:35 PM
update. I just did the compression test, but not a leakdown test. #1 cyl=165psi, #2 cyl=160psi, #3 cyl=0psi. that's right 0psi. The plug was black and cruddy and wet. I added oil to the cyl and cranked. Oil shot out all over the place. Checked compression again. This time #3 cyl=5psi, maybe. I can feel air pumping out of the cyl when cranking, but no compression. I assume that this points to a bad valve. Am I correct?

09-30-2004, 09:14 PM
i would assume so.

10-10-2004, 11:12 PM
update: i removed the head. The #3 exhaust valve has a chunk missing. I removed all the valves and they looked preety good except for the 1. I'll try to buy just the valve i need and hand-lap the valves, put it back together and see what happens.

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