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Z71 still not running right!

06-28-2004, 05:40 PM
My 1996 Z71 305 V-eight had a bad fuel pump which has been replaced along with new plugs wires and plugs, oil change new fuel filter along with roter and distributor. She ran great for a week then the trouble started. I was 400 mile from home when driving down the interstate she started to jerk and the more gas I tryed to give her the more she jerked. After a a while she would just die and not want to go. Since that trip I have change the catolatic converter and the fuel pressure regulator but to no luck. Now she starts fine but she idels ok until you go to give her gas then she just dies. She also will idel for about three mins and then just dies with out hitting the gas. It use to be after she got hot, now it is just a few min. after she is started. CAN ANYONE HELP?

06-29-2004, 05:15 AM
I wonder if this is a problem that all 96' 305's have. My fathers 96' silverado is doing the same thing, right now it's at the dealer, some one said something about the fuel control, and something about internal injectors. I thought that these engines had TBI injection. Keep you posted if I hear anything.

06-29-2004, 07:34 AM
Ziggy, did you happen to replace the fuel pulse dampener when you replaced the fuel pump? You may want to check out the cam sensor in the distributor, some have been known to come loose. The distributor gear has also been known to wear causing problems. Also keep the #5 and #7 spark plug wires seperated.

gtmud, the 96's should have CSFI, but I think I remember hearing about a few TBI's. The CSFI's will have about a 2" x 3" rectangular plug between the throttle body and the firewall(about 3 inches behind TB) that powers the injectors and fuel lines enter just to the drivers side of that plug

06-29-2004, 03:46 PM
I will check it out but with everything I have changed on it I am ready to have someone else look at it. I need my truck to get me to work just really hard finding a ride everyday. I am going to be calling I guy who works on Z71 on the side maybe he can tell me if he has ever had this problem before. I will keep you posted on what is going on. Thanks for your help in this matter I just can't stand not to have my truck its about to kill me.

06-30-2004, 09:27 PM
Talked to a mec. who told me that even though I put a new fuel pump on, it still may be bad. He said off market fuel pumps can sometimes be bad and I would never know the differance. He said he has had a 90 molel chevy truck that he had the same problem with. Any way it is now going to go into his shop, the only bad thing is it won't be for two weeks. So gtmud you may want to let your Father know about this. Not saying this is the problem but what he said did make since, I changed it out for a new one and I am chasing a problem that I thought I already took care of, who knows if this is it but I do know one thing it will be good to have her back. I will keep you up dated after I get the truck out of the shop.

07-01-2004, 05:27 AM

I am not sure what the dealer did to fix my fathers truck, but it cost around $200. As soon as I hear just what is was that fixed it I'll let you know.Still suspecting something in the fuel delivery system.

07-01-2004, 09:46 AM
Well here it is, the culprit to the whole problem. Defective distributor cap!! That was a $200.00 repair, mostly diagnostic charges. I guess the whole theory is true, KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid! I hope yours will be figured soon, good luck, let me kow what it was that fixed yours.

07-01-2004, 09:17 PM
Wow, now that is the kiss thing going on. I did replace mine when I did the tune up and it was a thing to get back on. I will have to check it out but it is still going to go into the shop to have a good once over. Once you are left on the interstate and watch everyone go by you will never want to put yourself there again. Plus I am looking for a newer model of a Z71, my wife is going to be getting the 96 Z71 she just loves it and her car is paid for with a lot of miles. But for now I need my truck it is a bumber finding a ride home from work everyday. Keep you posted.

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