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'92 Si rear disc onto '88 DX ???

08-04-2003, 09:14 PM
I drive a '88 DX hatch... with a rotted out brake line on my right rear drum which is kinda hurrying me up with my rear disc swap. And I could really use some help.

I've got the rear trailing arm/caliper&disc assembly with control arms off a '92 Si hatch that I want to use for the conversion. Problem is that I'm not really sure what to hook up to what on the caliper... there's this wierd sort of sliding bolt sticking up out of it with a rubber boot. And a couple sets of two seemingly unused bolts that I assume are for mounting some kind of bracket? I'm also wondering if I need the '90-93 coupe ebrake cables as are used when the discs are swapped over from a teg?

Does anyone have any experience doing this swap, or possibly pictures of the rear disc assembly off a 5th gen civic hatch?

08-05-2003, 03:02 AM
This link might help you


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