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Banjo Bolts and washer?

08-04-2003, 01:25 PM

I am heading out to the scrapyard tommorow and I will need to get the whole system that attaches your fuel line to the fuel rail.
The banjo bolt that thightens it on is stripped so it wont turn tight.
Also I looked in the repair manual and it shows 2 washers plus the banjo bolt hold the fuel line tightly in place.
If anyone could could you take a pic of a MPFI fuel line connected to the engine. IT would be greatly appreciated, the Haynes manual doesnt have a pic like that.
Thanks A lot.

08-04-2003, 02:09 PM
It tightens to the Fuel Filter so worse comes to worse just get a new filter and chuck the old line.

Also get some banjo bolts from a 90-93 Integra. They don't have that stupid pressure release thing on them like on 88-91 so they come off a lot easier and are harder to strip. And yes there are always 2 washers on any banjo bolt, one goes on each side of the line and the bolt goes through them.

08-04-2003, 02:36 PM
I think i may have not quite understood what the banjo is, lol.
The screw spaceship type thing that screws the fuel to the fuelrail is called what?
This is the order is goes correct:

1. washer
2. fuel line ring thing
3. another washer
4. finally the spaceship type thing that u screw on the hold it

Those should stop the leak if on their properly right?
And thats what is keeping it from starting correct?
Cause the car is turning like it wants to start but no fuel is gettin to the injectors if its not on fully tight, correct?

08-04-2003, 03:11 PM
Apparently the space ship is called a Pulsation Damper.

Here I took pictures for you.

Here is my fuel filter with 2 normal style banjo bolts, the one was from a 90-93 Integra...


Here is my Si fuel hose as it attaches to my rail...


From left to right is Pulsation Dampener, Fuel Line, then a washer.

08-04-2003, 03:16 PM
Aiight now I understand.
I guess it did only come with one washer.
I dont have that one washer and my Pulsation Damper
is stripped.
It leaks right where the Pulastion Damper screws in cause it cant get any thighter (stripped) and I dont have a washer to tighten it better.
I guess Ill go to the scrapyard tommorow and get the Damper and washer off another civic or CRX. That should stop the leaks, I hope.
Thanks Alot for taking the time to get those pics.

08-04-2003, 03:19 PM
Oh another quick ?
Did you tighten the pulsation damper with a wrench or just real hand tight?

08-04-2003, 09:50 PM
I used a big wrench, I think its like 21mm or bigger.

Also most MPFI Hondas have the same pulsation dampener. So a 90-93 Integra one will work.

Also the 90-93 attaches at the top and won't reach right with the EF fuel filter bolted to the fire wall. So don't bother wondering if that fuel hose will fit.

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