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2005 Chevrolet Aveo - Timing Belt broke down

09-23-2015, 03:47 PM
Unfortunately, the timing belt of my car broke down while driving on the interstate.

The mechanic said it would be $750 to fix the timing belt. However he said the engine is likely destroyed and we would probably have to replace it too.

What should I do? Should I cross my fingers and paid the $750 to replace the belt hoping it will work? Should I try to do the work myself ($750 seems a bit pricey to change the belt)? Or should I just give up on the car?

09-23-2015, 04:34 PM
Unfortunately, the timing belt of my car broke down while driving on the interstate.

The mechanic said it would be $750 to fix the timing belt. However he said the engine is likely destroyed and we would probably have to replace it too.

What should I do? Should I cross my fingers and paid the $750 to replace the belt hoping it will work? Should I try to do the work myself ($750 seems a bit pricey to change the belt)? Or should I just give up on the car?

If the timing belt broke on the highway, you most likely bent several valves and possibly punched a hole in a piston. The head will need to come off to find out for sure what damage has been done. If you like the car, look around for a used engine, replace the timing belt and water pump on it and drive on! Still cheaper than a new car.

07-11-2016, 03:10 PM
:) towing (http://www.towingbg.com/)

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