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1996 Corsica hard first start then fine.

07-24-2015, 02:23 AM
I have a Corsica 2.2L that was hard to start and getting worse. It started out by being fussy cranking a little longer and over 6-8 months it got worse. At one point it killed my battery cranking. I found that if I left they key in forward accessory for 10 min or so it would start after cranking for 4-5 seconds. It has set a while now and won't start at all. All through this after the first start it ran fine, engine was steady idled fine. When I stopped it started right back up without hesitation until it sat overnight and had to get it started again. I assumed it wasn't pump because it ran fine after it started, never missed so I didn't think it was plugs. Any ideas?

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