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2012 3000GT / Stealth / GTO calendar submissions

08-17-2011, 04:18 PM
2012 3000GT / Stealth / GTO calendar submissions

Its that time of year again(ok a bit earlier but I want time to get word out)

Deadline 9/30/2011 (ish)

Submissions need to be as close to 3500 pixels wide and 2300 pixels tall as you can get. Yes that will exclude some older cameras and cell phone pictures. But as always I plan to print them at 17x11 so we need hi-rez. 640x480 is not close.

The submission can not be highly compressed. If you picture is a jpg and its less that 500k don't even bother sending it.

Send submissions to calendar@3sgto.org

I will review all submissions for size and image quality and reply if they are accepted or rejected. I will review submissions in batches so do not worry if it takes a while to get a response. If you submit before 9/15 and do not hear back from be by that date PM me.

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