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Spy shots: New Passat B7

Jerry Anakin
11-05-2009, 09:27 PM
http://www.globaltimes.cn/attachment/091105/44b95db847.jpg[/URL (http://autos.globaltimes.cn/china/2009-11/482865.html)]
FAW-Volkswagen is trying to stretch the length of its Magotan wheelbase to help it become branded as a medium-sized car.
A source working for FAW-Volkswagen says that the new wheelbase will be 2,809mm, the longest among all the Volkswagen vehicles made in China.
But this new ([URL]http://autos.globaltimes.cn/china/2009-11/482865.html) Magotan with the longer wheelbase won't be released soon. Called the Passat B7, it is expected to be shown as a concept car in 2011...http://autos.globaltimes.cn/china/2009-11/482865.html

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