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Change Xenon bulb on PAssat -01

11-05-2006, 03:17 PM
I'm in need of information about how to change the xenon light bulb on my Passat -01.

According to the dealer it's necessary to pull out the whole lamp and I tried but without success.
Too many screws and next step seems to be to take off the side bodywork.

Does anyone have information how to do this.

PS. I read the thread about headlight change but its not the same as xenon.


11-08-2006, 12:01 PM
do you mean the HID headlamps on the W8 passat?

The normal halogen bulbs on all other passats, you just remove the rubber boot on the back of the headlamp and then unlplug the connector then turn the light counter clockwise and it comes out.

11-09-2006, 02:14 PM
It's HID xenon headlights on a 1,8T.
I can't reach the HID socket from the opening under the rubber boot.


11-17-2006, 01:15 PM
you must not live in the us because all the 1.8t in the us use halogen bulbs

11-18-2006, 02:14 AM
You're right, I live in Sweden:grinyes:

Anyway, after some phone conversation with the dealer workshop I managed to change the lightbulb.

It's necessary to "tilt" the whole car-front (loosening 6 screws on top of the front and 4 screws in the wheelhouse and 3 screws under the front).

Then loosen the complete lamp with 4 screws, taking out the lampunit.

Then I could reach the bulb:smokin:

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